“Katie is a one of a kind human. She is a brilliant writer. She is an expert content creator. She is an approachable, well-versed and engaging motivational speaker. She is an educated, enthusiastic and fun coach. Having Katie on your team inspires others to do more, do better and reach higher for themselves.”

For all press inquiries (including podcast appearances), please visit the CONTACT page.
Full media kit also available upon request.
“Getting to know WANT and you has been transformative. Over-analyzing, over-doing, and over-feeling seemed like habits I had to shake off until I found deep resonance in your writing, words, and actions.”
-Caroline, reader + WANTcast subscriber
“Katie Horwitch’s passion, activism, authenticity, and drive really inspire me. She is who I always wanted to be. Growing up, I dreamed of being a strong woman who could make people feel. A woman who could make people think harder and deeper, who could challenge others to be better people. Katie Horwitch is that woman. Every time she talks, she gives me the chills. She’s the kind of person who makes you want to stand up and throw your hands in the air and just scream ‘HELL YES.’ I’ll join any Katie Horwitch movement.”
-Christina Rice, coach and podcast host
“Your podcast has really helped me to get out of my mind that I had filled with doubts and feeling lost in who I am. The way you speak and the points you make are so clear, easy to understand, and resonate with me a lot. Before I found your podcast, I felt like I was in a state of information overload and overwhelmed with it all, but I found listening to your podcast was easy and made navigating life feel a little easier as well. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
-WANTcast subscriber
“...Horwitch brings admirable women and honest conversations to the forefront, while backing it up with hard-hitting realizations about self-constructed concepts, authenticity and overcoming personal challenges.”
“I started my work with Katie two years ago at the start of both the pandemic and heartbreak. It was at a time where I felt heartbroken in every aspect and I lost sight of my power. With the isolation of the pandemic and uncertainty of my career path and future relationships, I knew I had to do something. Reaching out to Katie was one of the best decisions I have ever made. She and I have been working together for two years now, and because of the work her and I do together, I have since gotten an incredible promotion, am now living with the man of my dreams in a committed relationship, and have built an overall sense of confidence in my everyday life. Katie and I work every week to get myself closer to the best version of myself, and it is invaluable to me. She is someone who is a dear friend, mentor and the best life coach as far as I am concerned. I am incredibly thankful for her and the work we do together.”
-coaching client
“I had reached a rock bottom period and was ready for change but didn’t know where to start. Since then I have been craving this sense of community with shifted mindset and awareness of my values and just myself. Your podcast has felt like the community I have been waiting for. It has opened my eyes to so many wonderful, like-minded people, that feel like friends even though I’ve never once spoken to them directly. Over the past year, and what felt like a never-ending road of being knocked while already being down with a very loud and constant stream of negative self-talk, I was told time and time again that I was “too sensitive.” Thanks to your podcasts, tools, and resources, I now know I am highly sensitive and am learning to navigate clearer than before. I have also begun work on shifting that voice in my head and being more kind to myself in terms of body image and success. Although the work never ends, and I’m not sure I would want it to, I just wanted to say thank you. You have felt like a friend and I cannot speak enough praise of your passion and work.”
-Nikki, reader + WANTcast subscriber
“Where to start with Katie - she's one of the most powerful speakers, writers, and thought leaders on all things SELF that I've heard from in a while. Her energy is electric and gets any audience engaged immediately, be it a corporate setting or a conference or a festival. But probably the most compelling and motivating dimensions Katie brings to audiences is her ability to frame complex tricky nuanced vulnerable topics into really simple and really accessible writing — I'm surprised she doesn't have 10 books already flying off the shelves. Katie is someone I personally have benefitted from in my own ‘self’ journey immensely. She’s helped me be ok and comfortable addressing the narratives I’ve had forever, and find really exciting, enjoyable ways to evolve my tendencies into healthy, positive behaviors. I’ll forever be thankful for her work, and I can't wait to see the world take notice as she's bound to be a big name in this field very soon.”
-event attendee + reader
“Katie, we want you to come with us to everything. You are truly amazing and an inspirational force.”
-Shelley Zalis, founder of The Female Quotient and SeeHer
“For the first time in a long time...I am finally in a place to say I have self worth.”
“I was so impacted by your intentionality. Everything you said, I needed to hear, and today - I cried from surrender. To remind myself to be fearless and go toward what lights me up.”
-event attendee
“Women Against Negative Talk has served as a catalyst for numerous self-actualizations, many deep healing conversations, countless personal affirmations, and never failing joyful starts to my day. Katie approaches topics that many other authors or speakers would shy away from. She addresses the hard truths and evokes this innate desire to know myself better and continue to discover how the things I love can get me where I need to be in this life.”
-Christina, reader + WANTcast subscriber
“Katie Horwitch is initiating a landmark movement. We need this wisdom now more than ever.”
-Alexa Grey, creative director + brand management, Alexa Gray & Co.